Bill To Give Legal Backing To Nigeria French Village Passes Second Reading - THE DAILY CRUCIBLE



Thursday, December 10, 2020

Bill To Give Legal Backing To Nigeria French Village Passes Second Reading

- The Daily Crucible
A bill to grant legal backing to the Nigeria French Language Village in Bagadry has passed second reading for the second time in the Senate following its earlier passage in the 8th Senate without presidential assent.

Sponsored by Senator Solomon Adeola(APC, Lagos West), the bill titled, " A bill for an Act to provide for the Establishment of the Nigeria French Language Village as an Inter-University Centre for French Studies and other Matters Connected therewith, 2020" sought to give legal backing to the institution which has been in existence since 1991 without a legislation.

Leading the debate on the second reading of the bill, Senator Adeola recalled that it was originally presented by Senator Gbenga Ashafa in the 8th Senate and in spite of a public hearing and passage for Third reading it was not sent for assent and therefore need to go through a renewed legislative process in the 9th Senate.

"The economic downturn of the 80s coupled with the devaluation of national currency had made students participation in the year abroad programme extremely expensive and unbearable to parents and sponsors. The need to find acceptable and efficient alternative led to the establishment of the Village through a Memo by the then government of General Ibrahim Babangida  to operate under the National University Commission" the senator stated.

Senator Adeola argued that Nigeria cannot afford to lag behind in French Language proficiency among the comity of nation adding that there is need to "equip all eligible and interested Nigerians with French skills across interpersonal relationship as well as take up employment slots meant for Nigerians at the global level"

The second reading which was supported by Senator Smart Adeyemi ( APC, Kogi West) on the basis of all our neighbours being Francophone countries, was not opposed by any senator.

The Bill was committed to the Senate Committee on Tertiary Institution and TETFUND for further legislative action, according to Chief Kayode Odunaro Media Adviser to Senator Adeola.

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