No More The War Of The Sexes By Owei Lakemfa - THE DAILY CRUCIBLE



Friday, December 25, 2020

No More The War Of The Sexes By Owei Lakemfa

THE Hungarian Parliament in Central Europe on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 made a startling discovery that: “The mother is a woman, the father is a man.” This is an open secret we in Africa have known for thousands of years. It took 134 Members of the Hungarian Parliament to ratify this despite the determined efforts of five parliamentarians who remain unconvinced.
The victorious parliamentarians say their intention is to protect Hungarian families, children and individuals’ rights to self-identify in accordance with their sex at birth. In giving way to religious intrusion in a secular state, the politicians said under the new law, children will be nurtured and cultured on the basis of the country’s new constitutional identity and Christian values. A fundamental part of the new law is Paragraph 1(L) which states that: “Hungary protects the institution of marriage as the association between a man and a woman and the family as the basis for the survival of the nation. The foundation of the family is marriage and the parent-child relationship. The mother is a woman, the father is a man.”
This law, in the areas of sexual relations, marriage and definition of the nuclear family, fundamentally, aligns the Hungarians and the Africans in emphasising collective, traditional and cultural rights over individualism in an increasingly globalised but fractured world.
I have come across some Africans who feel alienated in a world that seems confusing. They had been taught by the church that their traditional polygamy is not only sinful, but criminal because it is called bigamy. Now they are being taught that gayism and lesbianism which they thought were a sin and a crime, are neither sinful nor criminal, but are actually fundamental human rights, sanctioned, for instance, by The Church of England. Now, I ask, if the habitually conservative English gentry can be so radical, where can the traditional radicals seek sanctuary?
In France, a new gender war is imminent as there is an attempt at reversal of roles with women oppressing men. This creeping discrimination against men was evident in Paris with the city appointing almost twice as many women to leadership positions as men. Paris Mayor, Anne Hidalgo revealed that: “In 2018, the city hall employed 11 women and five men for management positions, meaning that 69 per cent of the appointments went to women.” This violates the French quota system which states that representatives of the same gender cannot hold more than 60 per cent of leadership positions.
Consequently, the Paris City Hall was fined 90,000 euros (109,477 dollars). This will serve as a warning to French women that they will not be allowed to ride roughshod over the Emmanuel Macrons and Dominique Strauss-Kahns of this world. It is also necessary to ensure that the gender peace treaty in France is not violated.
The Hungarians and Africans seem light years away from the world of the American, Bruce William Jenner who at 64 in 2015 called his children Kylie, Kendall, Brody, Cassandra, Brandon and Burt to declare that their father was now a woman. Bruce, now calls himself Caitlyn Marie Jenner with all former documents and organs remaining valid.
While the Obama administration had been supportive of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, LGBT, community, the Trump administration has not. But don’t worry, help is on the way as President-Elect, Joseph Biden, credited with pushing the Obama administration to support gay marriage, is like a cowboy hero, galloping to the rescue.
He has started on a good footing by appointing former Presidential Aspirant, Pete Buttigieg as Secretary of Transport. Buttigieg who may make history as the first openly gay to make it to a cabinet rank, had in 2019, made world headlines by openly hugging his husband, Chasten Buttigieg after winning the Iowa caucuses. If he had won the American Presidential elections, would he had been referred to as Mr. President, mindful of the fact that he is a wife?
The American President-Elect has also appointed another gay, Carlos Elizondo as White House Social Secretary while Vice-President-Elect, Kamala Harris has named Karine Jean-Pierre, a Lesbian, as Chief of Staff.
In Nigeria, the most famous ‘Jenner’ is Mr. Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju better known as Bobrisky who has amassed some wealth building his image as a woman. But he states quite clearly that ‘Bobrisky’ is a business brand he built to sell his cosmetics and beauty products and that he is no transgender, but merely a cross-dresser.
In sports where marked discrimination exists especially in the prize money of female and male athletes, there are no plans to end the gender war. In fact, when the Williams sisters; Serena and Venus were playing good tennis, some in the international sports establishment concluded that they must be males and subjected them to various tests. At a point, the Head of the Russian Tennis Federation, Shamil Tarpishev said on television that the sisters are the “Williams brothers.”
Caster Semenya, the reigning 800 metres Olympic champion has been subjected to international harassment since 2009 for running quite well and dominating the tracks. The International Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF, made rules specifically to knock her off the tracks. It ruled that female athletes whose bodies produce high testosterone which is a hormone that promotes increased muscle and bone mass, must take drugs to suppress such hormone. As far as the male-dominated body is concerned, no woman should run so fast. In challenging this stereotype, she declared: “I am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I am a woman and I am fast.”
There have been gender conflicts since evolutionary times when according to the good book, God carried out the first act of genetic engineering when he created the woman from the ribs of Adam who was clearly on anaesthetics. There might be a debate whether the Original Sin which resulted from Eve giving Adam the forbidden apple, might have been avoided had the latter been absent from the Garden of Eden. But what is clear is that there have been the mythical War of The Sexes in which both sexes flex muscles or try to out-play themselves rather than accept that all human beings are equal.
One advantage of the LGBT ascendancy is that the gender lines might be blurred leading to calling a truce in The War of The Sexes. I am not sure United Nations peacekeepers will be needed to maintain a buffer zone. Also, titles like Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms will become obsolete or undergo transformation as it would be difficult to determine the sex of a husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.
I need to apply the brakes here before I get into trouble. There are three things you do not debate: religion, Zionism and homosexuality.

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